Therasa Garrod
Tourism & Place Manager
Therasa’s role is key to unlocking the growth potential of the visitor economy, creative industries and establishing a new Place Board and Programme. She is also working across culture, heritage, and business partners to deliver sustainable economic growth through the £15m Regeneration Funding that Bolsover has been awarded.
“My ambition is to establish a recognised place brand and new positive place narrative with a series of successful marketing campaigns that increase overnight stays and spend in the area and promote the area as a great value living location. I am excited to develop a strong, successful Place Board and Business Champion Scheme; celebrating our progress and raising aspirations in communities across the District. I am also working on the development of a Creative Hub and Creative Business District in Bolsover town centre – which will really put our area on the map and attract international partnerships and globally recognised work.”
Get in touch: therasa.garrod@bolsover.gov.uk