Jo Dilley
Visit Peak District, Derbyshire and Derby
Area of expertise/industry/experience
Securing external funding and writing strategy.
Finish this sentence - "Bolsover is ..."
How do your own organisational priorities align with the Bolsover Place Programme?
going to flourish.
to see Bolsover and Bolsover's business network flourish.
I was made Managing Director in 2014, and since that time I have strengthened Visit Peak District & Derbyshire's position within Derbyshire, building strong strategic partnerships and ensuring the sector is recognised as a key deliverer of economic growth, offering great jobs and careers for people living in the area.
The opportunity I am most excited to support is...
I believe in Bolsover because...
I want to see businesses flourish through this period of change and uncertainty as we work towards a more sustainable offer, maintaining the high value of the sector whilst limiting the impact it has on our special places.